Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Les Miserables, Victor Hugo

Most of you have seen the musical or the movie, however, this is a must read book. I of course only read an abridged version - but it is a phenomenal book! It will make the movie and the musical ten times better! It is moving and insightful; tragic and inspiring.

I was so excited that my sister gave me this book for Christmas. I also, love French History and loved pairing the history and story together. I thought about the musical and the movie while I read as well as my trip to Paris twelve years ago where I saw where Victor Hugo lived. There is also a statue of him in the courtyard of La Sorbonne. Victor Hugo was a genius! And this book is timeless! One of my favorites!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Kingdom and the Crown, Gerald N. Lund

I was pleasantly surprised with this trilogy. When I started looking at reading the first book, I was a bit skeptical and worried about remembering all the names and places - however, it was a simple read and so intriguing! I think I would like to re-read all of them again. I learned so much about the life of Christ in a context and wording that was easier than the New Testament - plus it had extra information and explanation about life at the time of Christ.

These books are fabulous! Well written in all regards! What a daunting task to take history and text from the Bible and interlace it with fiction, but Lund masterfully did it! What a fantastic read!

The Eight, Katherine Neville

I just finished this book. Has anyone heard of it or read it? I thought it was an interesting concept - however, the writing style was difficult. For those who like wordy detailed accounts of things that don't necessarily pertain to the story - this would be great.

I have to admit, there was a lot of history to mull through - and I had to finish it ... but, 598 pages was a bit much ... The plot could have felt more intense to the reader if it hadn't been as wordy.

If any of you have read this, tell me what you think of the end? I thought the romance was too sudden and not enough build up to make it believable. Two of the other characters would have made more believable love interests.

And finally, the wrap up was so quick, was her editor hunting her down on a deadline? I also didn't like the ending because it seemed to say people are mostly power hungry - even the really good ones. So, this is why I'm wondering if anyone else has read this and would like to share their insight - perhaps it will make me feel better about having drudged through this epic book.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Divine Justice, David Baldacci

Hands down, the best book in the series! Exciting and captivating clear 'til the end! This is a must read - especially if you are a Baldacci fan! This was a thrilling book to read! Great characters with interesting story line.

This series would make for great movies! Maybe Harrison Ford or Sean Connery could be the lead (although Connery may be a bit old - and the Brittish accent would have to go ... and Ford needs to cover that earring hole a bit better ... bad move when grown men wear earrings ... I watched "The Fugitive" over the holidays - and he was the actor I thought could be a great "Oliver Stone" in this series!)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rondo, by Emily Rodda

My brother-in-law recommended this book and it was fantastic! A boy and his crazy cousin magically go to another world where fairytale characters live. They have to save the cousin's dog, find a way home, and discover the family secret - but they don't know who to trust. It was a great light read. Very imaginative. Emily Rodda also writes a young readers series called "Deltora Quest" that Tyler can read. I highly recommend this book.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Garden Spells, Sarah Addison Allen

This was an amazing book! It was magical! I loved the analogy of gifts or talents we have. We may think we are unique or weird or different because of our lives, ancestry, family, etc - but we all have gifts that can brighten the world. We need to find the thing we are passionate about and create! Especially when we think other's might not approve! We contribute and add to other's lives by loving and sharing our talents. This book was beautifully written and makes me appreciate others around me and the bond of sisterhood all that more!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Simple Genius, David Baldacci

Another Baldacci! What can I say, it was great! I read this book out of order on accident - so, I may have understood more had I read the book that come before this one - but, I don't think I missed a thing.
Baldacci must have done a lot of research on the psychologist character. This character was fantastically distinct and unique. I was fascinated with how individual this character felt. Usually when I read a story you just buy into the fact that the people are different, but there is always a similar feeling - knowing the author created them all they talk and use language like the author would use ... But, this character actually felt like he was writing himself. The plot was different and unusual. I had my suspicions as to who "done it" - but I was still mostly surprised in the end.
If you haven't read Baldacci, yet - I think you should give him a try! I just heard there is another book in his "Camel Club" series, that will probably have to be the next book on my list for those who want to read and discuss a book, I think it is called "Stone Cold". Happy Reading!